Sunday, July 10, 2011

NYC: It just keeps getting better!!

Wow, so much has happened since my last post. Im learning the ropes of actually enjoying the New York life-style. As far as my internship goes, Im still enjoying the experience. I work for an awesome team and its amazing to just talk with the different designers within this company and learn about their work experiences and training back ground. The accomplishments that many of them have made at such young ages has encouraged me to take more risk and strive for more as I continue to tackle the competitive fashion industry.

Along for the internship ride with me are three other fabulously talented interns:

We all work in different departments but we see each other everyday in passing and usually try to sneak away for lunch in Bryant park or a fun evening after work. The funny thing about the four of us is that we all have a different accent. I, of course have a southern twang, while the other three girls have an accent from Ohio, India and Brazil! Its pretty cool.

Having other great interns to work with really enhances the experience! I enjoy hanging out with these girls and chatting about about our "starfish" experience! (insider)

But when Im not working I cant help but to explore the city!
I see all kinds of things like:

This AMAZING shoe display at SHOE WOO, where I get a generous discount thanks to my Internship!
A REALLY cool three level candy store!

 A CRAZY packed cemetery in Brooklyn!
 A pretty cool RANDOM sculptor!

 A CREEPY masked guy in the window!
The weekend of the 4th was jammed packed with fun things to do.  I give a summary of my top events.
1. Breakfast at La Bonboniere

2. Day trip to Coney Island

3.African Festival in Brooklyn
4. The Macy Firework Show on the Pier

So that sums up my weekend... but I have many more pics and stories. Ill save them for my next post!

AmandaJane aka TheCoolest

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