Friday, June 3, 2011

LA: ...2girls, 1 car. 27HOURS!!!!!

Sunday-12:49pm ... My mother and I finish packing my little mustang and head to The Golden State! It took a lot of effort to get to that point of finally getting on the road and heading West. From stalling the trip by one day (after convincing my mom that I would be too tired to drive after my Cookout) to condense my shoe collection to 35 select pairs of my favorite shoes (just so they would fit in the car!)

We have truly anticipated the moment that we could actually embark on our 27 hour drive..yup 27 long hours of reading magazines, (out loud of course so that the driver would be equally entertained lol) listening to Gospel CD's, and watching YouTube clips of Steve Harvey stand up comedy shows all to help the time pass by. We also decided to act like true tourists/roadtrip-ers by stopping and taking pictures of all the 5 states we passed through during the duration of the trip.

California! (Apparently we missed the "Welcome to California" sign lol)

Surprisingly our quest was not as bad as one would expect, or maybe it was because my mother is a BEAST at driving (she WILLINGLY drove 21 of the 27 hours!) .Once we finally arrived in CA on Monday we were relieved to see the Los Angeles sign!(Thank goodness it was a holiday when we arrived because the traffic wasnt so bad) I had finally made to the land where dreams are made into reality! It was quite surreal to finally arrive in the city where I had only dreamt of living in...full of glitz glamour, and best of all FASHION! I'm so excited to have finally made it and I can't wait to take over the city!

My new internship awaits and Im sure that working in LA (Downtown to be exact) is going to be great! Now the only question that remains is ... What should I wear to my first day of work???

XoXo -Robyn
P.S. By the way... LA is in the lead because I made it here first! ;)

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