Saturday, June 25, 2011

LA:I HEART Ronson Summer Party

Ok so I've been crazy busy lately. Ill catch everyone up on what's been going on with my internship at Showroom Seven. We have been working really hard to get ready for tge I HEART Ronson event at the Spare Room in the Roosevelt Hotel in Hollywood. From sending out press invites, doing celeb pulls to stuffing jellybean jars, and merchandising the shopper's closet....the interns did it ALL. But I loved every minute of it. Here's a couple of pics from the event!

                   Paris and Nicky Hilton                    Ashley Simpson                                       

Nicole Richie and designer Charlotte Ronson
         Check out her website

The Venue
Spare Room
 The Interns

     All theinterns....some old, some new    

                                                     Me & Loro                                                      

The Backroom lol
The interns' snacks lol 

 During our lunch break we pssed the infamous Hollywood Walk of Fame
....I know, I know...its a little "tour-isty" but I couldnt help myself lol

Overall the event was a huge success. I had the opportunity to really learn a lot about event production. I enjoyed seeing the press at work (even the paparzzi lol) as well as working with some of the professionals in the PR and Fashion industry. And it doesn't hurt that I was able to do some networking after the event.

After it was all said and done, me and Loro stayed behind and ironically got into an exclusive pool party at the Vault. Its funny how things just work out.

Couldn't belive we got in so I had to take a pic lol

Also, I just wanted to upload a couple of fits from work. It was pretty casual this week.
The entire fit happens to be from Forever 21....even the head band lol

Top - Rebellion
Shorts- l.e.i.

Well thats all for now. I worked on a couple of projects for Chic Little Devil and an independent project as well and Ill post about it soon. Tootles for now!

Robyn Aryelle

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